Thursday, March 25, 2010

Memories from a Masturbatorium

Welcome to the Masturbatorium.......

Thanks for the memories Hubs
:) heee hheee


  1. omg, I'm dying!! Did he take those pics, I'm always asking hubby what that little room is I know, haha!! And for the record I totally use that pad coverying the chair as pee pads for my pups on a daily basis...too funny!

  2. OMG! Best blog post EVER! I can't stop laughing!!!

  3. This is amazing. Oh, my gosh! Hahahahaha. I've always wondered....

  4. OMG!!! That is awesome!! LOL! Thanks for the laugh :-)

    And yay for being 2ww buddies. I think my clinic tests really early, not that yours tests late. But I like that they test early.

  5. HOly crap!!! HAHAHA!!! Wow your clinic is pimpin. They always stick my hubby in a bathroom that has a chair in the corner with a red folder full of Playboys that is hidden in a cabinet. There is no TV, no comfy chair, and certainly no coverings over the chairs for leakage.... I am definitely showing my DH this!!! He will be so jealous!! HAHA

  6. OMG this is so funny!!! Thanks for doing this! =)

  7. Holy crap- I can't stop laughing. (And I really needed it tonight!)

  8. that's awesome!!! My husband is currently cringing. He gets to this very soon, and he is literally embarrassed and laughing at the same time. Thanks for the smile!!

  9. I LOVE your husband for taking those pictures. Hilarious! I've always wondered what it looked like in there!

  10. OMG - this is awesome. My DH had to do a Semen Analysis and the kid in the lab sent him down the hall to the PUBLIC 3 STALLED BATHROOM where a dude was taking a dump next to him the entire 20 minutes. Awful. There's no way that was protocol, but my poor hubby didn't know what else to do. Can you imagine?!

  11. thanks for the laugh?? i don't get it. what is so "funny"? what are we? in second grade still when someone says Joey has cuties? grow up.

  12. That is a seriously deluxe masturbatorium. Most masturbating for medical tests takes place in the same ordinary washroom where both men and women produce urine specimens. I've been in several commercial sperm banks whose donor rooms weren't as nice as this. No leather chair, not nearly as many magazines, and no video.

  13. All this is well, but I rather they have an asian lady in a white nurse uniform and who used her massaging techniques to get the semen out. I bet more people would go.
