So what if...
I now read in bed with a headlamp under the has hijacked the bedroom!
I was soooooo sad when my latest book came to an end (The Help)! I hate ending a great book and I hate starting books. But once I'm into them I love them! I just got Sarah's Key to start reading...anyone read it? Reviews?
I have decided tomorrow is a "stay home and rest and let baby nap on me all day" kind of day. Even though it is supposed to be nice weather, I think we both need a day to chill out. I have gotten myself completely obsessed and wound up about naps and sleep habits that I think I have stressed us both out. So tomorrow we are going to nap every hour and a half for however long (Alexandra tends to only want to nap for 40 of the causes of my stress/concern!) and just play and watch movies in between.
I have not taken ANY naps since Alexandra has been born. Zero. When she naps...I can't sleep! I can never sleep if I'm holding her and if she is down then I am always doing something else that "needs to be done". I think I took more naps (and was much less tired) before she was born.
I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks. I was on a roll going 3x a week for a few weeks, then I got stressed b/c my hubby couldn't handle a crabby baby at night and we moved her bedtime earlier and blah blah blah. And now I just don't care anymore. The gym's not going anywhere so I'll get back at it eventually.
I have become one of those annoying lonely people that talk to cashiers way too much. Hey...the only other conversation I have from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm is of the ga-ga goo-goo variety!
Link up at Mama Dew's!!!
Silentish Saturday!
10 hours ago