Wednesday, December 1, 2010

38 weeks

How Far Along? 38 weeks and 3 days! I guess this kid is coming any time now (or super late...which is what I'm expecting!)

Maternity Clothes? The usual. Work pants and jeans are maternity, otherwise no way.

Stretch Marks? No. I beat this nasty beast!

Sleep: Too many pee breaks are making me tired!

Best Moment of the Week? Got my first internal exam. Did not hurt. I was nervous it was going to KILL but it was no big deal at all! Apparently my cervix is short and I'm a fingertip dilated (whatever that means?!) Doc said this is good, but I could also stay this way for weeks.

And we installed the car seat! So now I drive a baby-mobile!

Less. And it freaks me out sometimes. Doc said she is just outta room. I've been using the doppler again though when I get nervous! Or just poking her so she gives me a little wiggle!

Food Cravings? Smoked meat sandwiches....weird!

Gender? GIRL

What I miss? Nothing! I feel great and I'm just excited to get my baby in my arms!

What I'm looking forward to? Only one more Monday left until maternity leave begins! woo hoo! I'm looking forward to being done work (and hopefully having a baby in my arms within days of finishing!)

Weekly Wisdom: Pregnant and shopping in ridiculously busy malls is a PAIN! People are so rude and pushy and I hate shopping! Might do the rest of my Christmas shopping online!

Milestones: We are in my baby's "birth month" now!

Emotions: Today I'm feel really calm and cool. I'm not feeling like I'm ready to give birth, I don't feel "pregnant" enough or exhausted enough yet! I feel like I might be pregnant forever! ha ha! I'm just trying to go with the flow and not get too anxious or excited any time soon!

So, that's me at 38 weeks. Next week is a boring doctor appt (no internal check or anything) and then the following week when I'll be 40 weeks and 2 days we will "sweep my membranes" to help labour along.

I'll post some pics when hubs and I take some tonight! But basically, I look the same as last week. I think belly growth is maxing out!



  1. Soooooooooooo exciting!!!!!!! I have a bunch of blog friends who will be delivering in the next month and I can't wait to see all of these little miracle babies!!!

  2. So glad everything is going so well. You're so lucky that you feel so good at the end of your pregnancy. When I was 38 weeks I felt like I was going to die - everything hurt and I was cranky and tired and annoyed all the time. Then my daughter came 11 days early (on the last Monday of school - it was kind of a disaster). Anyway, if you feel so good, she might linger in there a bit. Enjoy it, when she's out you'll miss being pregnant, at least I did.

  3. Oh my gosh, just think, this will be one of your last "pregnant week" updates!! I'm so glad for you that you are managing to be so calm and relaxed. You are going to have such an awesome Christmas!!

  4. YAY! I can't believe you are almost at the finish line. The last 38 weeks have flown by. :)

  5. Awesome-ness, you are soooooooooooooooo close. It's insane! And amazing! You sound so good! Zen it up LTB, zen IT UP!!! xoxo

  6. 38 weeks! you're almost there, that's awesome :)

    I'm glad you're feeling good still, but I hope she comes before you get too uncomfortable!

  7. You are SOOOO close! I can't wait for the post saying you're heading to the hospital! My first internal exam wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting either but I cramped horribly the next 12 hours!

  8. yaay for making it this far. can't believe you'll be meeting your little one in such a short time. hope you are taking it EASY and can't wait for this to happen! xoxo.
