Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So far...

So good! That's what today's ultrasound showed! I was super duper relieved b/c I was super duper scared. We saw our little baby blob, we saw its flashing heart beat. It's measuring 7 weeks and has a heartbeat of 134bpm . Doc said all looked A-OK! Next step...another u/s in 2 weeks and then transfered to an OB. OMG!

Now...question for you guys who may have been in my situation before...

My doc has said no sex until 12 weeks. Is this ridiculous? Standard for IF patients? My hubby is scratching at the walls thinking of 3 months off sex! We couldn't do it for the past 2 weeks and we thought that was bad! But now we have another 5 weeks! eeek!

Other than that I just continue with the gross suppositores and no strenous exercise.

I hope you are all having a great week! I know that Basic Girl sure is! Congrats Andrea!!!



  1. YAY! I am so happy that everything went well. No sex until 12 weeks seems strange to me, but I really don't know what the protocol for that is. Did he give you a reason why?

  2. I've never heard that one either.

    This reminds me of something someone said one time: "Just because one ride is shut down doesn't mean the whole theme park is closed."
    HAHA.. Interpret that as you will...hehe

    Yay for a good US!

  3. I've heard of no sex in the first trimester before...but yes it sucks. They told me I can't have sex in the next three months even with condoms because of the chance of getting pregnant with the MTX in my system - ha! I'm infertile, remember?! Anyways. Yea, I've heard of the no sex rule, they just want to make sure your cervix stays closed and doesn't get aggravated.

    I'm glad that everything is still looking great for your little one and I hope things continue to go smoothly for the rest of the pregnancy.

  4. Ah! Congrats! So happy you saw that beating heartbeat. Lovely.

    My Dr did tell me no "rough stuff" during the 1st trimester just as a precaution. Is it because of the suppositores? Still, I'd ask. 3 months w/o sex is a LONG time lol

  5. I've heard that too. Seems a little crazy though. I understand the reasoning behind nothing until after the beta, but 12 weeks is a long time! Glad everything is looking great!

  6. I've heard of it before, but it seems a little overboard, no?

    Very excited to hear things are going so well!

  7. Oh I am so happy for you! A heartbeat!!! That is fantastic! I know that the chance of miscarriage decreases dramatically once you see a heartbeat. Congratulations momma!!

  8. Such awesome news! Yay yay yay! Sorry about the no sex - that isn't fun at all!
    Anyway, congrats a thousand times!

  9. So glad to hear that all went well...Keep us posted (about your pregnancy and not your abstinence - tee hee)

  10. So happy for you that you had a great ultrasound. It must have been amazing seeing the heartbeat! I have never heard the no-sex thing...? 12 weeks is a long long time!

  11. So psyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyched for you LTB! That's so awesome you got the healthy heartbeat!

    I think my hubs would GO CRAZY if we were told no sex for 3 months. Um, geez, that's intense.

  12. Awwweee, you got to see your little bean's heartbeat!!! That must have been so amazing!! So excited for you, sounds like everything is going so great...except for the no sex. WTF, that does seem a little extreme!! Geez.

  13. Ummm, no I was not told that. Sorry for you and your hubs though, yikes!

    BUT! Its awesome that the baby is doing just great and that you saw the heartbeat!!!! This is so great =)

  14. AHHH! So happy that everything is moving along perfectly for you!! :) Really with the no sex thing? I guess that must be IF related. Great, another thing we IFers need to deal with right?! haha I know the fertiles can hump away at any stage of preggo-ness. No fair. :)
