Sunday, April 25, 2010


So I am freaking out a little bit. I woke up this morning (after 11 hours of sleep!!!) and my boobs don't really hurt. I also haven't felt sick (not that I ever really did, just a bit quesy) since Friday. I'm freaking that this means I'm going to miscarry. This pregnancy is over! AHHH! I don't have my ultrasound until Wednesday so the next few days are going to be tough. I'm hoping that the fact I got tons of sleep all weekend has helped with the achiness. Any thoughts? Be honest!
Hope you are all having a great weekend!


  1. I think you are going through the normal "what ifs" about your pregnancy. I think it's completely normal to over analyze and worry constantly. I am obviously not a medical professional, but every pregnancy is different...try your best to relax and not dwell. Keep thinking positive thoughts and trick your brain. All the best at your 1st u/s and do post how it went.

  2. I hope you don't mind me commenting, I have only recently started reading your blog.
    I am nearly 18 weeks pregnant myself, and for the first 12 weeks I would have the exact same thoughts you have expressed above. Weekly (if not daily). Symptoms come and go so frequently, and the sore boob thing was the worst. I would find myself grabbing at my boobs all the time to see if they still hurt! At about 10 weeks all my first trimester symptoms disappeared nearly all together, except for food aversions. Of course this sent me into a tailspin. But here I am 8 weeks later still pregnant. It's completely normal to worry about symptoms, and because nausea and sore breasts are the most obvious ones early on, these are the ones we monitor most closely. My trick to test whether I still felt even slightly nauseous was to imagine eating something like a steak or a piece of fish and see how I felt about that. Of course it always grossed me out so I would feel reassured. And lastly - if you ever feel like you can't wait for your next appointment (I still feel like this every time), move it up! Who cares what people/doctors think...if it makes you feel better to go early - do it! Good Luck.

  3. I think what you are feeling is very normal. I felt the same way (and still do at 14 1/2 weeks). I hope that the time between now and your u/s on Wednesday goes by fast!! And I agree -- if you are feeling that you need a peace of mind, call your drs to move up your appt or to have an extra u/s. I did that around 8 weeks and it was very helpful. My RE totally understood and called it my peace of mind u/s.

  4. Ohh no, don't worry! Just try and think positive, you have a baby (or babies!!) in there making their home for the next few months. I'm sure your u/s will go great. I have only ever made it to 6 weeks pregnant once, so I can't speak from experience, but I'm sure symptoms will come and go all the time!

  5. It makes so much sense that you're nervous, but it sounds completely normal that the symptoms come and go. I hope the days to come go by quickly and you have a beautiful ultrasound! Thinking of you!

  6. I am sure there is nothing to worry about! Praying everything continues to go well and wednesday will be here before you know it!

  7. Oh, LTB. I am sorry you are feeling so nervous! But it's totally normal for symptoms to come and go like that. I hope they come back over the next couple of days so they help ease your mind while you wait. Fingers crossed for an awesome u/s on Wednesday!

  8. I'm sorry for the symptom mind fuck, and I have totally read its normal for them to come and go!! Only two more days to go until your u/s...and then you won't just have to rely on the symptoms'll have seen your little bean (s)!! So excited for you, hang in there!!!

  9. Hey! Been thinking about you and your ultrasound today and praying you'll see a beautiful heartbeat (or two!) Let us know how it goes!
